
  • Nuestra Palabra es Fuego

    La Pájara Pinta y los poetas de la revolución en El Salvador, 1965-1975

    Roger Atwood

    Excerpt/extracto: La desaparición de esta insigne revista [en 1972], junto con la muerte, exilio o alistamiento guerrillero de sus principales escritores y el asesinato de su principal colaborador, Roque Dalton, podrían ser vistos en su conjunto como el final de la fase poética de la revolución salvadoreña y el comienzo de su etapa militar. Read More

  • Stealing History

    Tomb Raiders, Smugglers, and the Looting of the Ancient World

    by Roger Atwood

    From the publisher: In this fascinating book, Atwood takes readers on a journey through Iraq, Peru, Hong Kong, and across America, showing how the worldwide antiquities trade is destroying what’s left of the ancient sites before archaeologists can reach them, and thus erasing their historical significance. Read More

    • Compelling ...

      David D'Arcy in The Art Newspaper

  • Coming of Age in a Hardscrabble World

    A Memoir Anthology

    Edited by Nancy C. Atwood and Roger Atwood

    Nonfiction storytelling is at its best in this anthology of excerpts from memoirs by thirty authors-some eminent, some less well known-who grew up tough and talented in working-class America. Read More

    • Wonderfully varied . . .

      Julia Prewitt Brown, author of Jane Austen's Novels: Social Change and Literary Form

Urn, Mexico (Roger Atwood)